The time has been flying for us lately, and as we have been tied up with other obligations, not much has been going on for Super8database. But finally things has started rolling again, and we are happy to announce a new feature!
Up until now we have only added square scans of the front side of the covers. This makes listing the films on the site easy as all scans have the same width and height and serves the purpose of all the browsing on the site.
We have been made increasingly aware, though, of the importance of making covers available for printing, and in that case it can be of interest to get more than just the front. So here comes our new feature of September; the availability of other types of scans.
We will always make available the square version of the front of the covers, but in some cases we will include other versions like the front side including one of the sides.

These scans will be listed last and will be available for download. For now they will not be available as PDF, but we hope to sort that out soon. You will also find scans of some backsides of covers:

We hope these changes will be of interest.