
New Remote Control for the GS-1200

I have looked at the socket for the remote control on my Elmo GS-1200 many times and thought how nice it would have been to have one. Now I am the proud owner of a new one from Tested Super 8 Cameras.

I have looked at the socket for the remote control on my Elmo GS-1200 many times and thought how nice it would have been to have one. Now I am the proud owner of a new one from Tested Super 8 Cameras.

So why a new one? The original one from Elmo shows up now and then on eBay, but it is usually quite expensive.

The original remote control from Elmo

But recently, Tested Super 8 Cameras started to offer a brand new remote control. The price is 97€ at the moment (Update, November 2022: The price is no 109€ and includes world wide shipping). That’s quite a lot, but remember, this is a very small niche for a manufacturer to offer something. I am quite sure the ones behind this web shop will need to sell quite a few to cover the time they have spent making this happen. And it is still cheaper than most of the original controls I have seen.

The new remote control from Tested Super 8 Cameras

It comes with a cable length of 5 m (16 ft). That should work comfortably for most people’s setup, but they offer other lengths on demand. I could sit in my comfy chair without stretching the cable.

The remote lays quite comfortably in the hand. I quickly forgot I had it in my hand while projecting. The Play and Stop buttons was placed naturally under my thumb while holding it in my right hand. If I should pick at something, it would be that the buttons are a bit on the high/long side and stick out of the control. But it is not a big issue.

The build quality is very good. It looks professionally made, and I expect it to serve me well for many many years. They shipped my new remote quite quickly too, and in general I had a great impression of the web shop.

The only downside was that sitting in my comfy chair with this new remote, I wish I could remotely control the audio volume too. Maybe I will find a solution to that some day 🙂

Here is a short video of the remote control in action.

Written by Eivind Mork