
Update for November 2020

We have reached the end of November. Here in Norway where I live, the sunset is now at 4pm and it is completely dark from 6pm, a clear sign that the winter is right around the corner. Although I miss the summer, I look forward to the long dark evenings, perfect for watching films.

Dark evenings are perfect for viewing film!

In a month it is time to pick up the Christmas films in the collection. When I look at Mickey’s Christmas Carol from Derann, I am no longer in my living room at the cabin. I am in a magical world with vivid colors, alive in a way digital images can’t provide. I am also back in my childhood in the 80s when watching films on a screen made a huge impression on me. It did in such a way that I decades later use much of my spare time on a Super 8 project.

Mickey’s Christmas Carol is a certain choice for Christmas viewings for me

And the project is moving forward. We have now passed 5000 registered films (releases), a staggering number! And still we know there are huge amount of films yet to be added.

We are now very close to 1700 films with a cover scan. The increase in covers may not look as much compared to the previous updates, but in addition to add new covers, we regularly replace covers whenever we get a better one.

We have now passed 5000 registered films (releases), a staggering number!

We have now reached a level of information where it starts to get really useful. I regularly use the database to find information, and I assume that even seasoned collectors will find it useful. We still miss many films, but the amount of films are already far greater than the amount of information I will ever be able to remember.

But even if the project is doing well, November is a big disappointment in one respect: I would for my second time attend the Northwest Film Fair in Blackpool. This would also be my chance to meet Greg in person. We have been working together for so long in this project, and finally we were supposed to meet. And through this project I have learned to know so many other collectors that would have been there as well. But along came a virus changing all those plans. Let’s all stay safe and plan for next year!

Grand Hotel in Blackpool – Let’s hope there will be a convention there next year!
Photo: Jarl Russnes

But before we end this month’s update there is one more thing: We have a little surprise for December. Stay tuned!