Classic Home Cinema has sent out their winter sales list. If you haven’t got it, contact Classic Home Cinema to subscribe.
CHC Winter Sale

Classic Home Cinema has sent out their winter sales list. If you haven’t got it, contact Classic Home Cinema to subscribe.
Issue 28 of Film Collctors is just out.
Thanks to all of you who participated in this year’s quiz! I hope you all enjoyed it!
Each correct answer in the quiz gave you one “ticket” in the lottery. The numbers were drawn using who produces true random numbers based on atmospheric radio wave noise.
As noted, the prizes are coupon codes for Super8warehouse. This years winners are:
1. David Tatham (winning a coupon code worth 60 EUR)
2. Eberhard Nuffer (winning a coupon code worth 40 EUR)
3. Shorty Caruso (winning a coupon code worth 25 EUR)
Congratulations to all three of you! All three has received an email with further information.
In case you were not certain about some of the answers, here are the correct answers to the quiz:
Happy Christmas to all of you!
Note: The quiz is now closed, and the winners will be announced shortly
It is Christmas time! With long dark nights, it is a good time of the year for watching films. And if you have been good this year, maybe you get a film wrapped up under the tree? In any case; here is another chance to get a film or two: Super8warehouse and Super8database have teamed up for a Christmas quiz!
Three lucky winners will receive coupon codes that can be applied at the checkout at Super8warehouse to cost of films and shipping costs:
You can only send in your answers once, so make sure you have got it all right! Each correct answer will give you one “lottery ticket” increasing your chances to win when we make the draw for the winner.
The coupon codes for the winners will be valid with the address you have registered in the quiz, so enter the address you would like to use at Super8warehouse.
The name of the winners will be published on our websites. Last chance to participate is Christmas Eve.
We wish you all a happy advent!
Bert & Eivind
Start the quiz
We have reached the end of November. Here in Norway where I live, the sunset is now at 4pm and it is completely dark from 6pm, a clear sign that the winter is right around the corner. Although I miss the summer, I look forward to the long dark evenings, perfect for watching films.
Someone asked at the Reel Magic Film Forum what would get a better result; a modern mobile phone or a scanner from a few years back. I found the question quite interesting, so I grabbed a cover and tried both, and here you can compare the results.
Cover images taken with a camera needs some love before it is ready to be used on Super8database. As the technique might be of interest for personal use too, we have made a short video for you on how we improve the cover images for our site.
The time has been flying for us lately, and as we have been tied up with other obligations, not much has been going on for Super8database. But finally things has started rolling again, and we are happy to announce a new feature!
We have a new video out with updates for July 2020. We share some statistics and exciting new features!
In addition to adding new films and other data we also work on improving the web page in other ways. Some improvements are small, and other more noticeable.
Today we deployed a new version of the software that included an important change, although not possible to see as such. After a couple of evenings of programming the site has now a much improved performance: The front page would sometimes use up to 6-7 seconds to completely load if the site hadn’t got traffic in a few minutes (although the search form was ready immediately). Now it will load 10 times faster in the same situation. Also the tag pages loads much faster. But most other pages has also benefited from these changes.
We hope these improvements will improve the your general experience of the site!